Work in Progress! Coming Soon!

I have been creating this website as a place where I can express myself and share it with all of you. I will be blogging, with inspirational writings, intuitive readings, cooking classes, recipes, travel, and artsy things. I'll be talking about the tough things in life, the juiciness, and the fun stuff too.

Sharing with all of you what my friends have been asking me to publish for a long time. We are creating a place for those of us passionate about these things to relate. This will be a new style for community and forming connection.

As we get closer to launching, I will be sure to keep you all informed! I'm planning a special month involving chocolate, and a big launch party with intuitive readings and lots of good food. We will be able to involve those of you online as well.

Welcome To the neighborhood!

Barbra Fang Babcock

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